- First Family is a peek into how life was at the beginning. It is a smooth read which takes the reader through the complex issues of Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. Read More >
- If you always wanted to imagine bnos Tzalafchad more vividly, The Daughters Victorious is for you! Romantic, emotional and full of Torah, this historical novel is an amazing read for a more mature audience. Read More >
- Dual Discovery is a historical drama, which takes you back to Egypt of Biblical times. This is a well written story that makes the story of the 10 Plagues easy to relate to. Read More >
Historical Fiction
- Tempest in the Tea Room is a really cozy in bed, enjoyable read. Libi Astaire wrote this book so skillfully, that you fell like you are back in time to 1811 in London, England. It is a tasteful mystery, with just the write amount of humor and sub-plot. Read More >
Thought Provoking
- King of the Class follows a young woman through her philosophical challenges. This book is full of creativity as it is set in a future time, in a country that does not yet exist. Although the setting is foreign, the human characters' personality and motivations are easy to relate to. Read More >
- The Conversation is based on David's (the main character) journey through college and self-discovery. The majority of the book is conversations of philosophy (not necessarily Jewish) or letters. Joshua Golding was able to take his vast knowledge of philosophy and present it in a way that is easy to digest a bit at a time. Read More >
Holiday Oriented
- Just in time for the Pesach season 2013, Mosaica Press released Let My RV Go!, by Nicole Nathan. In their words, "Let My RV Go is an honest, humorous and refreshing account of one woman’s search for meaning—even if it requires turning her life upside down and tearing out the kitchen sink." Read More >