Rosie Einhorn and Sherry Zimmerman, two experts in their field, produced Dating Smart, which I must say is very smart.
After several years of dating and going through probably more dating books than dates, but being disappointed by both, I gave up on a dating book that would be thorough enough for me and still apply to a wide enough crowd.
I, thank G-d, no longer need this book for myself, but I highly recommend it for any and every person who is potentially dating, dating or has a child that is in either stage.
Judging the Book by its Cover - a first glance review:
The cover is simple, a girl conversing with a boy. Each in their own color and the speech bubbles to match. The book is setup so that dating can just be as simple as a conversation. It can be about building a relationship slowly through multiple, well-paced meetings and then develop into a life-long pact.
Some Details I Liked:
I very much enjoyed that each chapter had a summary at the end that is visually appealing. This allows the book to be read cover to cover and later as a reference.
I also appreciated the structure of the chapters. It is literally a guiding hand through the dating process.
Who This Book is For:
I was most impressed at how the authors were able to get down to the basics in a way that almost any dating person could appreciate this book. I would even say that a person that has trouble with a relationship, even prior to dating should read this book.
There are specific pointers for baalei teshuva, but not a tremendous focus. Parts of the book also cater to older or more frequent daters. Both extras are more bonuses than detractors. Sometimes a young dater can experience similar emotions to an older one and not realize it or a person with a large family may feel that they don't need to network, but this book will nicely open their eyes and help them through.
Who This Book Isn’t For:
If a dater feels that the next step in life is up to his/her parents and doesn't want to build a mature relationship with a potential spouse, then they should for sure not even think about reading this book.
If someone is looking for juicy stories and happily ever after or a miracle from the heavens, this book is not the one for them.
What I Didn’t Like /Would Have Made it Better:
As usual, this is the toughest section for me. My pointer here is not against the book, rather something that I would appreciate reading about in relation to this topic. I would love to read a similarly laid out book going from engagement to marriage and maybe even through the first year.
In Conclusion:
If you feel that you might be interested in dating or are dating and want improvement, read this book, take a serious look at yourself with its help and hopefully, you will have good news to share soon.
I received this book for the purpose of reviewing it, but that it no way changed the way I read it and reviewed it.