The cover doesn't give much information about the book, but it does show that awareness comes in different colors.
It also has the subtitle explaining that it is "the key to acceptance, respect, forgiveness and growth."
As much as this book has a lot of information, there is also a lot of review and examples to make sure that it is understood. I especially enjoyed the charts, which provide a visual aid for easy comparison.
Who This Book is For:
Ironically, in this book, the author writes who will read this book cover to cover and why. There are three types of people that will read it, either for emotional or intellectual satisfaction basically.
The idea is that this is a self-help book. Anyone can read it and/or use it as a reference.
Who This Book Isn’t For:
Some types will not be interested in this book. It is a serious read with a lot of factual information. It is well-written, but can seem dry and hard to read in one sitting.
Also, it might not be a good idea for someone with a low level of self-confidence to try to categorize themselves. They might get defensive and instead of being aware, they end up more in denial.
What I Didn’t Like/Would Have Made it Better:
This isn't something that would make it better about the book, rather the reading experience. It is important to note that Miriam Adahan has another book, Appreciating People, which focuses on the Myer Briggs system.
In Conclusion:
This book has helped me understand myself better, as well as family, friends and peers. Once I understood the person's type, I was able to figure out how to deal with them better, appreciate their good traits and tolerate the harder ones.