Judging the Book by its Cover - a first glance review:
I like when the cover accurately reflects the story within it. This cover does that very well. Obviously not every detail is there, but you can get a sense of the settling from the old buildings and vintage cars. There are also hints to the plot with the tube of blood, the cigar and the horses.
Some Details I Liked:
This is a smooth, realistic read with a little bit of a happily ever after, but still leaves you a little sad that life was so hard for so many not so long ago or far away.
Who This Book is For:
Although the main characters are boys, I think this book can be enjoyed by all. It has a lot of adventure, but also has plenty of emotion.
Who This Book Isn’t For:
It's not called blood brothers for nothing. There are a few sort of gory parts, where injuries are described. Also it's a bit scary when referring to the Cuban Authorities.
What I Didn’t Like/Would Have Made it Better:
I was a little disappointed with the ending. I won't spoil it here, but I will say that there are many ways to be a great person and sometimes being in a unique position can be greater than doing the norm.
In Conclusion:
It was interesting to learn about Cuba and what families there and their relatives abroad went through. Very creative and well done.
I received this book for the purpose of reviewing it, but that it no way changed the way I read it and reviewed it.