Judging the Book by its Cover - a first glance review:
With less than 100 pages, after the acknowledgements, introduction, etc., this book seems like a quick read, but due to the depth and concentration of material, it is not. It is however written in a way that is easy to understand and appreciate.
"Lord, Get Me High!" has a bit of a pun to it. The actual psalm starts off with G-d is my light, but the running theme of the perek is to get close to the One Above.
Some Details I Liked:
I like that this is an organized work. There is a wide range of sources and they are well documented in the foot notes. Each chapter includes a balance of relevant stories, divrei Torah and words of encouragement.
Who This Book is For:
I recommend Lord, Get Me High! for anyone looking for an "Elul/Tishrei pick me up" that is in English and not too hard to keep up with, even if read a few pages at a time throughout the season.
It is also a great resource for any teacher, one-on-one learning partner or youth group leader who is looking for inspiration to share, but doesn't have the time to go digging for it.
Who This Book Isn’t For:
If someone is not ready for Teshuva or to read sentences like "To love what we accomplish religiously is such a precious thing.", then this book is not for them. Lord, Get Me High! is no doubt a spiritual-growth oriented book, so only those looking to enhance their religiousness should read it.
What I Didn’t Like/Would Have Made it Better:
I would love to see a similar book for other Psalms that we say regularly.
For example, Psalm 23- The Lord is my shepherd, which is said by the third meal on Shabbos or
Psalm 30 -... I will exalt you, Lord... which is said for Chanukah.
In Conclusion:
Although this book is somewhat seasonal, I definitely would also read this book for inspiration during the rest of the year. Lord, Get Me High! is a seriously great work.
I received this book for the purpose of reviewing it, but that it no way changed the way I read it and reviewed it.