Judging the Book by its Cover - a first glance review:
The cover is clearly designed for kids and the book is about kids. It shows some scenes of the story, just enough to pique interest.
The book is a nice size paperback, perfect for smaller hands, as well as more mature ones.
Some Details I Liked:
I liked the plot a lot. The fact that the mystery was somewhat Torah-based, but not really and that there was good ethic in it as well. There is also some funny lines that seem to have gotten in there for the inevitable more mature reader.
Who This Book is For:
I would suggest this book to any newer reader that is starting on chapter books. The font is large and the vocabulary is pretty basic. It is also what I would consider "intelligent literature", aka, fun, light reading.
Who This Book Isn’t For:
This book is more boy oriented. If your daughter likes reading about girls, then this isn't a good read for her.
It has a little bit of a scary part at the near end, as do most mysteries. It isn't too graphic, but a child might imagine it more intensely.
What I Didn’t Like/Would Have Made it Better:
So being that this book isn't catered to adults, I can't really complain about it much. I would enjoy reading the rest of the series.
In Conclusion:
This is a great investment. I would even suggest it as a gift for any young reader in your life.
I received this book for the purpose of reviewing it, but that it no way changed the way I read it and reviewed it.